Thursday 7 March 2013

How to make Tuhau the traditional Sabahan Cuisine and pickles

Tuhau is one of the traditional cuisine or pickles of the Sabahan Borneo. It is popular among the locals especially the Kadazandusun people. It is best to be eaten with dishes and rice. For some people they don't like the taste of tuhau because of it stringent and strong smells. The smells are quite similar to the small insect called "posisang" in local language. I'm not sure what do they call this thing in scientific name neither in English.

Tuhau belongs to the family of ginger but it doesn't taste like ginger at all. So for those who want to know what tuhau is, well this is the pictures of tuhau that i got from  other bloggers.

You can get this easily in the night market in Keningau sell by the local Dusun, along the steep and hilly ways of Tambunan (this is the famous site to buy these pickles that are already prepared to be eaten). Even some people don't like tuhau, I still love it because it helps to increase my appetite and after you eat it, be prepared in a few hours for sure you will go to the "jamban"( Hehe actually it's a toilet in Dusun language). As I was brought up with this kind of food, I am used to it already. The recipes vary depending on your desired taste. It's super easy and very simple to make this tuhau pickles.


1 packet of tuhau (remove the outer coat which is harder and keep the soft flesh.  You can either chopped it into smaller pieces or crush it by using the mortar and pestle.)

3 pinches of salt or more (depends on your taste if u like it salty then add a little bit more. But don't be too salty unless its not good for your health and the tuhau won't taste as it supposed to be)

3 limes (You can either substitute it with vinegar or limau kasturi)

Ajinomoto (If you don't like it you can use knows chicken stock powder form or if you don't want it don't use Ajinomoto at all. This is optional)

10 small chili padi (Again, if you want it to be spicy or super spicy, add some more according to your desired taste)


Put all the ingredients all together in one bowl and mix up everything. Your pickles should like this;

Now its ready to be eaten. Yummy.. Well guys i hope you enjoy it. Try it you may like it.. Yum yum!